Genres Game System is an independent game publishing company. We specialize in providing quality fun role playing games such as the ENNIE nominated TOONZY! Cartoon Role-Playing Game.

Going Somewhere
the epic scifi parody game.

Coming soon!
Atomic Age Adventures
the kooky retro,
scifi spectacular game!

More games are forthcoming in the GENRES series of games. Contact us for more information about our products we are always happy to answer any questions about us you might have.

And introducing...

A new campaign setting in development at Genres Game Systems.
Meet some of the angry opponents from your local grocery store shelves.

This is what happens when baked goods go bad! You get the Angry Pie Guy and Baconor!

As well as Murderours Pastry Tarts and the brave Sir Yoghurt!
Character Concept Sketches for the forthcoming Game of Scones!